International Links

At Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, we welcome pupils from all religions and beliefs and celebrate our international culture.
Our school was awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom. The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education. Cliftonville Integrated Primary School’s international work celebrates the rich and diverse heritage represented in the school community. The school has formed international partnerships and partaken in projects with Canada, Norway, Belgium, Madrid and Romania. These partnerships have helped provide pupils with an informed awareness of countries, cultures and languages other than our own. These and various other projects (some of which are listed below) have led to Cliftonville Integrated Primary School being successful in receiving this prestigious International School Award.
International Projects:
1. We have six International Ambassadors, who are pupil representatives from P5-P7. Theses pupils have adopted an ambassadorial role which involves welcoming new pupils into school, providing them with a tour of our school and being a ‘buddy’ to those who need one.
2. Pupils have been enjoying weekly French lessons with an experienced language teacher.
3. Our parents and pupils have benefitted from ‘Small World Workshops’, the workshops introduce a taste of the diversity that exists in NI and provide safe spaces in which participants can meaningfully begin to engage with those from different backgrounds and other parts of the world
4. Pupils have partaken in a pen pal exchange with a Norwegian School and a Christmas card exchange with schools in Madrid and Romania.
5. Parents and pupils with English as a Second Language (EAL), can benefit from English classes with our EAL teacher, Mrs Crummey.
6. We have a Bi-Lingual library project, where we have dedicated a section of our library to bi-lingual books for children who wish to avail of them..
7. To celebrate our Integrated Status, we partake in various interactive, fun activities throughout the month of March, including our International Breakfast with Parents, pupils, staff and governors.
8. Primary 5 pupils performed a ‘Cultural Assembly’, singing songs from different countries and teaching other pupils about key landmarks around the world.
Shared Education
At Cliftonville Integrated Primary School we are proud to offer our pupils Shared Education experiences through the Peace IV programme. With our partner school, Abbots Cross Primary School, we create and deliver fun, stimulating lessons to enhance the Numeracy, Literacy and STEM knowledge and skills of our pupils. We have completed work on diversity, outdoor learning, fairytales and much more. This project enables children to develop their knowledge across the curriculum, but to also forge friendships with children from various backgrounds.
Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, 93 Cliftonville Rd, Belfast BT14 6JQ Phone: 028 9035 1638