Access Keys:

Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, Belfast



Our Nursery has 26 full time places. The main emphasis is on the importance of learning through play. The children develop skills, understanding and attitudes through engaging in a variety of fun and stimulating experiences.

There is a focus on:

  • Developing independence;
  • Encouraging creativity;
  • Challenging and supporting;
  • Creating life-long learning.

We adhere to the Pre-School Curricular Guidance as set out by the Department of Education, 2018.

The Nursery consists of a bright spacious area that is equipped with a wide range of fun and educational resources and a quiet room with an interactive whiteboard. The outdoor environment in the Nursery has a dedicated hardcore and grass area, equipped with a climbing frame, woodland trail, sandpit and a covered area for wet day play. Nursery children also make regular use of a computer and iPads to enhance their learning.

Nursery School begins at 9am and ends at 1.30pm. The children receive a healthy break and dinners are provided from the school kitchen.

Throughout the year the children and parents will participate in a variety of events both locally and further away. In recent years, the Nursery children and their parents have enjoyed dressing up for our ‘Big Bedtime Read’ pyjama party, a ‘stay and read’ fairy tale party and a minibeast themed ‘stay and play’ session. Children have enjoyed visits from Jo-Jingles and Mr Hullabaloo Chilldren's Interactive Theatre Company. Places visited include W5’s Winter Wonderland, Castle Espie, Plant and Play and the Gruffalo Trail.  

Nursery Timetable  

Nursery starts 9:00am
Outside play 9.00am-10:00am (Snack 10:00-10.45am)
Play 10.00am-11.15am
Stories, discussions, rhymes and songs 11.25am-12.00 noon
Lunch time 12 noon - 1:00pm
Afternoon activities 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Nursery Uniform

• Emerald green polo shirt and red sweatshirt embroidered with the school crest
• Navy track bottoms
• Blue waterproof coat (optional)