Access Keys:

Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, Belfast

New Term

24th Aug 2021

From the start of the new term, school bags, lunch bags and full school uniform (including tie) are back in use.

School ties are available from the office, priced £3.50. PE uniform is available from G&J Geddis, York Road, Tel: 028 9035 1554 or online from School Trends, type in Cliftonville Integrated Primary under the section 'parents order here'.

School hours for P2 - P7 classes are as follows:

Tuesday 31st August - all pupils will start at 8:50am and finish 12:00pm (P2-P4) and 12:10pm (P5-P7). Children will go straight to class in the morning and enter/leave using the allocated doors used last year.

From Wednesday 1st September, normal hours for each year will be - 

P2 - 8:50am to 2:00pm

P3 - 8:50am to 2:00pm

P4 - 8:50am to 2:00pm (September only, 3:00pm from October onwards, except Wednesdays 2:00pm)

P5 - 8:50am to 3:00pm Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri (Wednesday 2pm)

P6 - 8:50am to 3:00pm Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri (Wednesday 2pm)

P7 - 8:50am to 3:00pm Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri (Wednesday 2pm)